Fire starter
Male, 57 years old, married- 2 children.
Living in Enschede, a town near the border of Germany
occupation: Engineer, oil&gas- refrigeration.
hobbies ( To much!):
Beekeeper: having 5 hives
Love playing with fire outdoors, making charcuterie/sausage, experimenting with fermentation etc.
Certified BBQ judge (KCBS) now and then joining a outdoor cooking competition with friends.
Starting with BBQ 10 years ago on a Weber kettle, and after a workshop sausage making with people of a BBQ forum starting to make sausages and charcuterie, exploring that part, making a drying chamber of a fridge etc. finding out that there was little info to be found for people to start with the charcuterie hobby, so started a (Dutch) forum and later a Facebook group to help peolpe to start sausage making.
Bought my wife a WFO, she always wanted, and now also loving to make Pizza's...
Now owning the following hardware:
Weber Kettle
Weber Go anywere
Weber Smokey mountain
Primo ceramic BBQ
Bradley Digital smoker
Clementi Mondo WFO