Welcome to the Wood Fired Oven Podcast

Vanessa Nino

Vanessa Nino Profile Photo

DIY WFO home cook and Mom

Vanessa grew-up in Colombia, South America, and is all about family. She has a passion for her Colombian heritage and for recreating the recipes and flavors her great-grandmother prepared for the Wood Fired Oven bakery in town. She is consistently looking for ways to bring the flavors from her beloved Colombia into her Wood Fired Oven.

Her and her family have built their backyard woodfired kitchen and are always looking for a new project to expand their gathering area.

Oct. 7, 2022

Fireside Chat with Vanessa Niño

Join me as I sit down and have a chat with Vanessa Niño - a Colombian wood fired oven home cook. You will get inspired by some amazing Colombian and Brazilian foods as we talk about her journey from Bogotá to Maryland in th...
Guest: Vanessa Nino