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Masterclass Part 2 - Steaks, pizza, crispy chicken, porchetta and smoking foods with David Jones ...

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Welcome to part 2 of this 5 part Wood Fired Oven Masterclass Series where I sit down in the United Kingdom and talk to David Jones from the Manna from Devon Cooking school. If you haven’t listened to the first episode in this series - I suggest you start with that one first.

Manna from Devon specialize in teaching wood fired oven cooking techniques to folks from all around the world.

In Part 2 of this Masterclass series, we pick up where we left off last episode and discuss cooking pizza, using Tuscan grills, Davids favourite cooking pans and how to roast the perfect chicken including the elusive crispy chicken skin. We also talk about the challenges of cooking tricker foods like Porchetta, baking the perfect bread rolls and David’s unique techniques for smoking foods in the Wood Fired Oven. Genius actually. …lots coming up in this episode.

Manna From Devon
Website: https://www.mannafromdevon.com (https://www.mannafromdevon.com/)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mannadavid
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mannafdevon/

Woodfired Fish and Seafood (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285175005357)
Woodfired Flatbreads and Pancakes (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285155382870)
Woodfired Flatbreads & Pancakes in German (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285175279300)

Online courses
All the Manna from Devon online courses can be reached via their website here (https://www.mannafromdevon.com/woodfired-video-tutorials/) . They have a courses for pizzas, one for traditional style ovens, one for the modern metal ovens and one for the Morso Forno. £25 each - bargain!

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My website
Check out my website woodfiredoven.cooking (https://woodfiredoven.cooking/) for episode show notes and links. Sign up to get the latest podcast news and receive my Wood Fired Oven Podcast Resource Pack.

Instagram: @marks_woodfiredoven (https://instagram.com/marks_WoodFiredOven)
Threads: @marks_woodfiredoven (https://www.threads.net/@marks_woodfiredoven)
Facebook: Wood Fired Oven Chronicles Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/woodfiredovenchronicles/)
YouTube: @woodfiredovenpodcast (https://www.youtube.com/@woodfiredovenpodcast)

Recommended Wood Fired Oven books
Check out my favourite books (https://kit.co/MarkGoston/recommended-wood-fired-oven-books) . They have helped me a lot, both with cooking in my wood fired oven and learning to cook with fire.